25 November 2007
Dance Like Nobody's Watching

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."
The quote is attributed to Mark Twain.
The photograph is from the wedding of Arnold Pompos & Sarka Malkova. The image was found on a US Government web site. Isn't she a beautiful bride?
In North Florida it's daylight savings time and we've set our clocks back an hour. Now when it's time for day shift workers to go home, it's dark outside. The weather has gotten colder and much drier. For many people in the United States of America, it's the end of a 4 day vacation. When it comes to vacations, folks in the USA, compared to other nations, get a pretty bad deal.
I crammed a lot of fun into the last 4 days and am looking forward to a longer holiday next month.
I hope that wherever you are, you're listening to live music. My holiday wish to each and every one of you is that you dance as often as you possibly can. Find a club, a ballroom, a contra dance, a barn dance, a pow wow ... just get out and move your body.
My hometown of Tallahassee used to have an amazing dance hall. Big bands from all over the country would come to Tallahassee in private railroad coaches. There was a siding behind the dance hall. The building is still standing, although the railroad siding is gone. I'm offering 150 imaginary TallyCast points to the person who sends (or points me to an on-line source) the best (IMHO) photograph of this building.
The studio is in the middle of a rebuild so it will be a few weeks before you hear RadioMacGuys or the TallyCast in it's audio form. I'm asking Santa for a new field recorder (Zoom H2)