07 September 2005
TLH011 - Katrina Relief
There are too many sad stories coming out of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Pat Ramsey and the Blues Travelers were scheduled to play at the Bradfordville Blues Club this weekend. Both Pat and fellow band member Dave Renson suffered losses when the strom struck Biloxi. None-the-less, the show will go on, but with a twist. It's now a benefit for the band. Friday night, head out to Bradfordville road, enjoy great music, and help some nice people get back on their feet. The podcast opens with "Build me a woman" from "Live at the Grand".
Thursday and Friday nights, the Moon will host benefit concerts for the American Red Cross Katrina Relief Fund. Acts scheduled to play include Pam Laws, the Harvest Gypsies, Tom and the Cats, La Bamba, and more.
"Louisiana Storm" is a song from the amazing Bill Staines that seems very appropriate for the current situation on the Gulf coast. Thanks to Doug Gauss (photo from the Florida State Archives) for pointing out the song to us, and to Bill Staines for letting us use it. The song is from Bill's Bridges CD and well worth getting.
Saturday evening, consider heading to Wakulla Springs State Park, for an evening river cruise and a dinner at the lodge. The package costs @28 and reservations are suggested.
Sunday at 4PM, entertainer, humorist, and childrens songwriter Peter Alsop is preforming at TCC. For for ticket information call 850-656-3629 from 9:30a-3:p, after 3:p call 850-878-6400. The podcast ends with Peter's tune, Rachel and the Moon.